
When you buy an appliance or accessory

  • Exhaust the useful life of everything you already have
  • Don’t wait for a disaster before preventing it and plan solutions
  • Demand compatibility with already existing technologies
  • Demand compatibility with other devices
  • Demand maintenance does not depend on a single possible brand or provider
  • Appreciate you could do maintenance, configure or reprogram with no rule infringement

When you hire a service

  • Demand protocols be neutral and not restrictive, including information formats
  • Demand compatibility with other providers, this way a provider change does not imply to change software or ways you work
  • Demand the option to be you who hosts data and not depend of a «cloud»
  • Demand service is hosted and supplied from your same jurisdiction, for the purposes of data protection

When you ask for technical service

  • Demand the knowledge of different solutions for a single problem: they don’t depend on a single brand
  • Demand a comprehensible explanation of problems and solutions, always prioritizing the needing you expose
  • Demand full license conditions compliance, both with Free Software and proprietary software
  • Give priority to auditable solutions, including Free Software (FOSS) and technology neutrality.

Products and services for Information and Communications Technologies sector